Springhead Research

About Us

Our Mission

Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our inherent human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of belonging – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth. - Whole World

How You Can Help

Send Donation

Giving online has never been more secure, convenient or hassle-free with our one-click donation. We also do accept standard cash and check donations at all of our locations.

Become a Volunteer

You can get involved today by becoming a Volunteer. Sign up and you will be joining a group of change-makers, a network strong enough to impact positive change in the lives of children.

Give Scholarship

Your gift will help equip children in need with necessary resources, training and education while offering the promise of a brighter future. You can make a difference today by signing up.


What People Say

The generosity of this organization makes it possible for me to continue having education opportunities in this difficult area.

Jane Doe

Wonderful job with those kids that need us and people from various places all over the world. I will definitely join your group as a volunteer.

John Doe


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